How often have you heard someone say about their workplace, “We’re like a family”? This phrase is often used to suggest that the work environment is characterized by caring, compassion, and mutual support. It evokes images of a close-knit group of individuals who look out for one another, much like members of a family do. This metaphor is intended to be appealing, suggesting a workplace where everyone is valued and connected on a personal level. Who wouldn’t want that at work?

Hidden Expectations of Workplace ‘Family’

However, when a business is likened to a family, the underlying message that can be inferred is that workers are expected to pledge an unwavering loyalty to their employer, regardless of the working conditions. This could mean enduring long hours, a compromised work-life balance, personal and professional sacrifices, and even potential mistreatment in the form of being taken for granted. They may also be forced to tolerate a lack of accountability from their other “family members.”

Equity Challenges in Workplace Families

Additionally, many workplace families still have room for improvement in terms of equity: Men hold roughly four out of every five of the highest-ranking corporate jobs, according to a report from the consulting firm McKinsey and the nonprofit This means that women are often asked to do jobs that are more community-oriented but don’t offer the same status and power.

Creating a Supportive Workplace Culture

For these compelling reasons, we should reconsider referring to our co-workers as a “family.” Instead, let’s explore the power of terms like community, team, or neighborhood. Or perhaps, we can convey that our company fosters a culture of supportive and caring colleagues dedicated to a shared mission. Now, that’s something to be truly impressed by

By focusing on creating an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and respected, we can build workplaces that truly benefit everyone involved. Emphasizing collaboration, mutual respect, and shared goals will lead to a more positive and productive atmosphere for all employees. Let’s strive to create workplaces, communities, and teams where everyone can thrive and feel genuinely connected, not out of obligation, but out of genuine mutual respect and shared purpose.

Read more about this shift in thinking here:

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For more insights on fostering an inclusive and effective workplace, explore AchieveUnite’s Leading Through Complexity program.Learn more below