Are your networks powered up?

We all know the value of networks when it comes to professional success, but how often do we actually pause to assess and invest in them? Whether at work or in our personal lives, having a strong support system is key to reaching our full potential. Research from Herminia Ibarra and Mark Lee Hunter, published in the Harvard Business Review, reminds us of the power of nurturing our networks—not just professionally but personally and strategically. It’s time to take stock of yours.

But, Where to Start?

In today’s world, we’re all juggling busy schedules, both at work and at home. This has even become a source of praise for so many of us, known colloquially as the ‘cult of busyness’.  But taking time to map and audit your professional and personal networks can pay off in literal and emotional dividends, and you can start with Ibarra’s survey here:

Intentional and authentic consideration of your network as it is, and how you envision it ‘should be’, can become a ‘beautiful bridge’ between unconnected networks; thereby, making yourself a key influencer and networking in that space. Such bridges are key to our work-life balance and are particularly key to finding allies in spaces where we might feel marginalized or othered. Building, strengthening, and BECOMING such bridges makes us feel safe, supported, and of unique value; and allows us to step into an online or IRL space confidently- finding allies, finding our tribe and truly flourishing.

Becoming a Beautiful Bridge or a Bridge Builder?

As you intentionally shape your network, you’ll start to see where gaps exist and how you can build connections across different groups. These “beautiful bridges” between unconnected networks can turn you into a key influencer and make your life feel more balanced. Who are your allies? Are there areas where you feel isolated or disconnected? By strengthening these connections, you can find your people, grow your influence, and thrive—both online and in real life.

Embracing Diversity in Your Network

Take a moment to consider the diversity in your network—are you surrounded by a variety of perspectives, or are you in an echo chamber? Think about age, gender, ethnicity, and even professional background. Expanding your network to include different voices can open up new opportunities and insights. It’s about building bridges and finding common ground, even across different identities and experiences.

Happy networking—and remember, it’s not about collecting business cards, it’s about building bridges!

Further Reading and Resources

For those of you looking to dive deeper, check out these additional resources: