We live in a world of perpetual change that is continuously testing our human ability to adapt, survive, and thrive. Resilience has quickly become the new necessary superpower in business and our personal lives! Now more than ever, we need our leaders and team members to be Resilient. We need people and teams to develop the adaptability skills to prepare for changing conditions, the mindset to find meaning in adversity, and the ability to build two-way trust in critical relationships.

In this session, we share our own stories of resilience and empower you with best practices to help you build your resilient superpower.

*Please be advised that this  LinkedIn Live session covers important but sensitive topics related to substance abuse and mental health. We encourage you to join us for this important conversation, but please take care of yourself and be mindful of your own well-being if these topics may be triggering for you.

Guests Include:

Danielle Jennings, Head of North American Channel Execution at Citrix
Gail Doerr, Education Practice Leader at AchieveUnite
Carmen Sorice III, Senior Advisor at AchieveUnite
Theresa Caragol, Founder and CEO at AchieveUnite


Watch their full conversation here:


If you are currently facing a difficult time, please know that you’re not alone, and we’re here for you. We are proud to extend special scholarships to our transformative leadership programs and private coaching sessions to those in the midst of challenging times. Please reach out to us at info@achieveunite.com or fill out our contact form for more information.